Substituting assignments is an opportunity for you to take control of your studies, enhance your learning, and make your school work more meaningful and interesting. Here are five easy steps to successful substitution:
- Identify an assignment that you would like to change:
- Do you have work that seems boring and repetitive?
- Do you have an interest you would like to explore in depth that can be linked to the lesson or unit at hand?
- Is there a related questions or problem you would like to explore?
- Can you incorporate a skill or interest into the current topic?
- Can you change an assignment in order to help you develop one of your identified strength areas?
- Brainstorm on how you could incorporate the learning into an assignment or project that is more meaningful and challenging for you :
- Look over the list of alternative assignment suggestions.
- Think of projects you have done in the past that were fun. What did you like about them? Can you do something similar with the task at hand?
- What types of products do you enjoy producing or would like to try out?
- Use the Learning Contract Form as a guide to help you plan out your alternative assignment :
- What are you going to learn?
- How are you going to learn it?
- What is your target date for completion?
- How are you going to know that you learned it?
- How are you going to prove that you learned it?
- Approach your teacher in a polite and respectful manner with your plan .
- Be prepared for feedback from your teacher and to work together on your plan.
- Keep in mind that you might have to be flexible in order to come to an agreement.
- Follow through with the agreed upon plan .
- Take care to do your substitute assignment well.
- Turn in your substitute assignment on the agreed upon date.
Repeat, Learn, Enjoy!